Managing Your Email Alerts

Email alerts are sent out at different times throughout the day when new reviews have been discovered on your various review profiles.

1. In the left-hand navigation menu click ‘Settings’ and then the sub-menu ‘Review Alerts

Review Alert Settings

2. Click the green button labelled ‘Add Email’ to add an additional person/email to the email alert system

Add Email Button

3. To edit an existing email, click on the textbox of the email and make any edits

4. To remove an email from the email alert system click on the blue cross on the far right

5. Optionally, the field labelled ‘any star rating’ allows you to change the minimum star rating needed to trigger an email alert, simply select the desired rating from the drop down selection

AddMe General Review Alerts

6. Click ‘Save’ to update any changes

AddMe Save Button

7. Within this menu the ‘Tag’ and ‘Location’ buttons can filter down the review alerts even further to be more specific with email alerts

AddMe Location Review Alerts

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