AddMe Customer Testimonials

AddMe strives to help all businesses improve their online reputation and increase their number of positive customer reviews. Online reviews are overtaking traditional digital marketing methods as one of the best ways to attract and retain customers. See below some real customers who have effectively used AddMe Reviews to improve their online reputation, increase their number of business reviews, increase their number of customers and increase their sales. Contact us today to learn more about how AddMe can help your business online today!

Complete Hospitality Training

Our reviews have gone through the roof since using AddMe Reviews. Customer reviews have increased 4 times over. This has had a significant positive impact on our business.

– Complete Hospitality Training

First National Cairns Central

Matt and the team at addme reviews are great. Always happy to answer questions and helped us set up our review system.

– Patrice Hayton

AddMe Reviews Case Studies

Is collecting online reviews really a great way to improve the online reputation of a business? We know that this statement is true and so do our own customers. 78% of customers trust online reviews before contacting a business, which shows how vital reviews can be. See below some case studies that outline how managing business reviews can have a positive impact on any business, large or small.

First National Cairns Central

See the process the team at First National Real Estate Cairns Central has employed in order to grow their number of reviews on Google by over 600%.

Complete Hospitality Training

In the first 4 months using AddMe, the team at the school grew their reviews from 1 review to 30+ reviews in just 4 months. See how they grew this number to 212 new reviews in 24 months.

Chisholm & Gamon

Chisholm & Gamon grew their reviews from 18 to 62 in the first 2 weeks and increased their average star rating on Google from 4.1 stars to 4.7 stars.

Alan Mance

Since AddMe began working with the team at Alan Mance, they have been able to increase their review volume by over 500% in just a few months.

Reviews for AddMe

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