Why Are Reviews On Facebook Important?

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform and there were 2.80 billion monthly active users on Facebook as of December 31, 2020. If every user equates to 1 person, this means that 37% of the world’s entire population used Facebook in December 2020. Facebook dominates the marketplace for social media and is great advertising space for any business.

What Are Facebook Reviews?

Facebook reviews are a feature within a Facebook business page where users can rate and review your business. Reviews can make pages more likely to appear in the news feed and can help users discover new businesses. Any business can create a Facebook page and begin increasing their brand awareness. Online reviews are extremely important for any business and there is no exception for those on the largest social media platform.

You can set up a Facebook business page by following these steps:

  1. Go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/create to create a business account
  2. Add profile and cover images (preferably a logo)
  3. Create your username (name of your business)
  4. Add all business details such as address, opening hours, phone number and more
  5. Publish your page and begin posting

Looking at the AddMe Facebook page as an example, you can see that all important contact details are listed. The star rating is a key section where customers can see the overall rating and individually read every review and replies. Facebook page reviews are very important to receive and can certainly help improve your businesses reach and reputation.

AddMe Facebook

It is vital that all the contact information is correct on the business page, otherwise your customers will not be able to contact you. You can pin a post at the top of the page with any crucial details or posts that can help customers decide if your business is for them or not.

Customers can message a business directly using Facebook Messenger to ask any questions. It is important that the business ensures they check their Facebook profile often so they can reply quickly to messages and comments.

How Facebook Reviews Can Increase Your Reputation

Anyone with a Facebook profile can leave a public review on your business page. They can find the page via search themselves, be directed through the business website or as a direct link referral. It makes sense for most businesses to have a business Facebook page because of the scale of the platform. There is a link between gathering more reviews, creating reviews and an increase in sales.

Operating a business Facebook page can help increase exposure to potential customers who use the social media platform. 33% of Australians use social media when they look for information about a brand, with Facebook being the largest platform. This is an important channel for any business to have a social presence, as it is often the first site consumers visit when searching for business reviews. If a user cannot find your business, then it is a wasted opportunity to gain a potential customer.

Reputation is extremely important for every business and building a great presence on social media is no exception. Unlike Google search, where a broad search can make your business appear, Facebook has a direct search approach. An advantage over Google reviews is that more people have a Facebook account than Google account and may be more likely to leave a review using a familiar platform. Facebook is a connective social platform that is great for creating and managing relationships between customers.

The Advantages Of Facebook Reviews

Without a business Facebook page, you may have a missed business opportunity to grow your business further. Only 6% of people say they don’t trust online reviews at all, so gathering more positive Facebook reviews can help increase trust among customers in the decision making stage. The biggest advantages of using Facebook reviews for your business are broken down below.

  1. Promotes Positive Customer Service

    Responding to reviews is almost as important as receiving them because 89% of people read both your reviews and how you respond to those reviews. Responding positively can help show customers that you provide a great service and are a pleasure to deal with.

  2. Generate More Leads

    Facebook business profiles can help create more brand awareness and influence purchasing decisions of customers. Having a visible profile is the first step in growing a business and a business Facebook profile is no exception. More leads can translate into sales which is great news for every business owner.

  3. Increase Social Proof And Credibility

    Reviews are a great way to reinforce the great products or services your business provides for its customers. Obtaining more Facebook reviews can be a cost-effective way to improve your business’ credibility. What customers say online about your business is more effective than what you say about your business yourself.

  4. Better Reputation

    Reputation is vital for every business and is especially crucial for local businesses who operate in a competitive market. Facebook reviews can help improve your online reputation and increase your ability to get new customers. Simply asking for reviews or using a platform like AddMe is an easy way to improve your reputation online.

How To Manage Facebook Reviews

Frequently logging in to your Facebook business profile is important to ensure that no messages are missed. Without regularly checking your business profile, you could potentially miss any leads or potential customers and therefore, sales.

It is important to reply to your Facebook reviews, as it shows that your business cares about its customers. A short and simple response to a positive message is all you need as seen in the screenshot below. Responding to a negative review can be a bit more complex but remembering to respond in a professional and timely manner is important. Read here for more information about the best ways for responding to both positive and negative reviews.

AddMe Facebook Review Example

How To Delete Reviews On Facebook

It is possible to turn off Facebook reviews, however there is currently no option to delete Facebook reviews. Many business owners may want to delete negative or fake reviews that could be hurting their business’ online reputation. With no current options to delete real negative reviews, the best way to stop receiving negative reviews is to learn how to turn off Facebook reviews. The following steps detail how to turn off Facebook reviews:

  1. Go to your Facebook business page and click ‘Settings
  2. Select the ‘Templates and Tabs’ option on the left side menu
  3. Click ‘Reviews’
  4. Toggle ‘Show Reviews’ from ON to OFF
  5. Click ‘Save’ button to stop receiving Facebook reviews

Fake Facebook reviews can be problematic for your business and can be annoying to have to deal with. To remove fake reviews on Facebook you have an option to flag any potential malicious content that is false. Only fake content can be removed and you cannot remove real negative reviews. To report a fake Facebook review use the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Facebook business account
  2. Find the review you wish to flag as fake
  3. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the review
  4. Click on “report post”
  5. Give an explanation about the fake review
  6. Wait a few days for a response or removal by Facebook

How AddMe Reviews Use Facebook Reviews

The AddMe Reviews platform helps you request reviews from your customers and ultimately receive more Facebook reviews. You can simply link your Facebook account to your AddMe account to start receiving more Facebook reviews. To get more reviews you can ask customers via SMS or email using custom templates with personalized messaging. Our platform enables you to easily manage, respond and promote online reviews across the major sites, including Facebook reviews.

AddMe Link Facebook Page Button

AddMe Reviews allows you to sort your reviews by each of the integrated review sites, as seen in the screenshot below. This ensures Facebook, among other popular review sites, can become a focal point for generating reviews. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding your business Facebook profile, business reviews or how to increase your online exposure.

AddMe Review Stream

Get More Reviews Today

Online reviews are critical for every business so they can begin improving and managing their online reputation. Utilise Facebook Reviews for your business with the AddMe Reviews software to help increase your online reputation. Sign up for a free 30 day trial and begin managing all your online reviews today.

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