Author Archives: ShadayS

How To Remove Bad Reviews From Yelp?

How Can I Remove Reviews From Yelp?

Today, Yelp is one of the leading review networks for both local and online businesses. Yelp allows individuals from all over the world to share their personal experiences with businesses, whether good or bad. While Yelp can help to drastically increase a company’s online visibility, the platform also has the ability to turn potential customers away from giving your business a chance, even if you have received a false or defamatory review. Knowing the proper steps to take to remove bad online reviews is essential when building a brand and its reputation regardless of the market or industry you are in. Read more...

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The Right (and Wrong) Way to Handle Negative Customer Reviews

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Handle Negative Customer ReviewsReading bad customer reviews online can turn the most saintly business owner into a rage monster. Getting negative feedback in a public forum is tough, especially when you had no idea a client was unhappy. But instead of firing back with a petty response, think about how you can use these conflicts to improve your business. Just remember, the whole world can see your reaction. Respond to bad reviews in a timely, respectful manner, and you can turn poor experiences into opportunities to build customer loyalty.

Stay Calm

No one can please every customer, so bad online reviews are bound to show up from time to time. Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They just want proof you value their business and care about keeping it. Try not to take negative feedback personally. If you react in the moment, you will likely make the problem worse and drive away customers for good. Read more...

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