How Do I Boost My Facebook Reviews?

How Do I Boost My Facebook Reviews?

We work with many businesses every year, and one of the most common questions we get asked is: “How Do I Boost My Facebook Reviews?”. Before you begin enjoying the benefits of Facebook reviews, you must first convince customers to write them. Here are some tips to boost your Facebook reviews and increase consumer confidence in your company.

1. Set Up Your Facebook Page To Allow Reviews

If you don’t add the reviews section to your Facebook page, your customers won’t be able to leave any feedback. Check your page to make sure reviews have been enabled. If you find that reviews are not enabled on your page, simply go to your page’s settings, click “Edit Page” and select “Add a Tab.” Click the “Add Tab” button next to “Reviews.”

2. Bring More People To Your Facebook Page

The more users who visit your Facebook page, the easier it will be to grow Facebook reviews. Unfortunately, in many cases, customers are simply unaware that your page exists. Bring more people to your Facebook page by advertising its existence in as many locations as possible. You can even run Facebook ads to help bring in new customers and you can read this Facebook Ads guide to learn some great tips. Be sure to link directly to your Facebook page on all of your other social media accounts, on your business’s official website and from any emails you send to customers. You should also include your Facebook page address on all printed advertisements and communications. To spread the news about your page even more, encourage current followers to share your page with their friends and family.

3. Invite Customers To Leave Reviews

Many customers don’t think about going to your Facebook page to leave a review unless they are asked. Ask your customers to leave reviews after they make a purchase, whether you are seeing them in person or communicating electronically. You can also send review invites to current followers of your page to let others know what they think of your products or services. Boost Facebook reviews even more by making it simple for customers to find the review section of your page after you have requested a review. For example, if you send a follow-up email to a customer who has recently made a purchase, you can ask for a review and then include a link directly to the page so the customer can follow through quickly.

4. Avoid Buying Or Posting Fake Reviews

To get more positive reviews, some companies choose to purchase reviews from individuals who aren’t really customers. Companies that want to increase their positive reviews may also make fake accounts and post forged reviews on their own. However, most customers are able to tell the difference between a legitimate review and a fake review. Avoid the temptation to engage in this practice, as you may accidentally drive away more customers than you attract.

5. Respond To Negative Reviews Promptly And Appropriately

When you take steps to grow business reviews, you are likely to receive both positive and negative feedback from your customers. Positive feedback improves your company’s image, but negative feedback can be detrimental if you don’t handle it properly. Be sure to enable notifications for any new reviews you receive so you will be aware of them immediately. Read the review and respond to the customers review calmly and don’t be confrontational. Instead, address the customer’s issue as politely and thoroughly as you can to showcase your company’s excellent customer service. If the customer has drawn attention to a legitimate problem with your company, put forth your best effort to resolve it so you can avoid receiving the same negative reviews in the future.

The more positive reviews you receive, the more potential customers you will attract. By following these tips, you can boost Facebook reviews and enjoy better profitability.

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